In the first lesson we were introduced to what the coursework practical included which in result would count as 50% of our AS grade. As throughout the task we must maintain a blog, which after every lesson we must update and include any work that my group and I had completed. But first we had to create our blogs on: '' and name the blog, 'Henna Mistry Thriller.'
The preliminary task was briefly described to us and what the task would consist of. I was put into a group with Sam Willis and Robert Mills who I would be working with on this task. We first had to start planning our preliminary task by discussing what ideas each of us had and write down our ideas on to a spider diagram which is shown below.
The picture above shows our spider diagram where we were planning the task. As you can see we have considered many key important areas that need to be taken into account like the location, camera angles, themes and mise en scene plus many more that we have thought about that could possible be used. We completed this planning as when it comes to filming it will cut down time when deciding what to do.
We were shown how to use and handle the camera with care. When inserting the tape into the camera, the tape needs to be facing outwards and then push the tape down. The camera would then close automatically. We were told to film in wide screen 16:9 throughout our filming and to check that the recording format is on slow play. When recording it is best to press record, wait at least 5 seconds then start the scene as this would give flexibility when editing. When panning the camera it best to pan the area more than you need to before and after the scene as this gives it more fluidity when the camera is moving. An establishing shot should be used to enable the audience to get used to the setting of the scene. The rule of thirds was also explained to us and that it is best to film within the thirds. The 180 degree rule would help the shots to flow, if this rule is broken then the audience may become confused about what is happening.
Next lesson we will decide together as a group what the extract of the preliminary task will consist by consulting the specification before we start filming.
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