During today's lesson the group planned and created the storyboard. The storyboard consisted of what camera angle we were going to use in each shot when breaking down the film to see what was happening in each shot. I wrote out what was going to happen in each shot in as much detail as I could. Robert then drew what the shots would hopefully look like when filming to give us an idea of how the scene would actually look like and to see if it would give the correct impression to the audience.
The pictures above show what we have finally decided for each camera shot and what the scene will consist of.
When deciding the camera shots, we wanted to use those that would enhance the extract. We agreed to have a close up of the two male characters shaking hands to show their formal relationship between them. We wrote the storyboard in as much detail as we could so when filming it would make it easier and quicker to film. We have included the lighting and the dialogue that is going to be in the extract, to help us establish which camera shots would be best. As a group we finally decided on a casual 'business meeting' in which we see a male going to meet an 'associate' and exchanging a few lines of dialogue and trading a briefcase. This covers what the specification of the preliminary task asks us to do, before we start the main task, where the male enters the room and having a conversation with the other male 'associate'.
We decided to film in the next lesson when we had more time. This would ensure that we can get the shots that we needed and see if anything needs to be altered that would enhance our work for the best. It would also help the lighting and their costume to be the same throughout the whole of the filming of the extract. This is best as if we ran out of time it would be difficult to get these key components the same for the next time we film.
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