Saturday, 17 April 2010

Thriller Task- Re Filming


This was the chosen and final date that we could film before our final deadline as we were all free and the weather was suitable. Like usual we each took turns in filming and directing each others shots as best we could. We went back to the first location which was at the top of cliff top, the first shot was Character A standing at the cliff while the camera was looking through the trees, to give the impression that someone was watching her. This supposedly was to be Character B. I had to film this shot from behind these trees which was quite difficult, because of other branches that potentially could have damaged the equipment. At first I tried shaking the camera to give the impression that the shot was handheld but this did not look right. Trisha came up with the idea to have a twig snapping, showing Character A looking around and then turning back round again. Shaneece was the one who had to get a few twigs and snapped them near the camera so the audio recorded and could be heard clearly. This took a few attempts to get right, in the end we were satisfied.

The next shot that we were to film to improve our opening sequence was the close up of Character A's text, 'I love you.' to her mother. These were new shots that we decided to add as previously it was unclear to the audience of why Character A was at the cliff top. This was filmed by Shaneece as she was taller enough to get this shot. Trisha then filmed the pan from left to right of Character A looking for the phone as it rang, this needed to be re shot as when viewing the opening sequence the audience could notice that the camera did not move smoothly. When filming this shot we encountered two young boys on the cliff top who were in the shot. We asked them politely if they could move to the side for a short period of time, while we filmed. They agreed. We finally checked that we had filmed all the right shots and we were happy with what we had recorded.

When back at college we will edit the shots that we have filmed (20/4/10).

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