Today Trisha, Shaneece and I decided to start filming as we needed to keep on track in order to finish the thriller task by the deadline that is set. We used the Sony (Yellow) camera which we had previously booked along with the tripod and a tape. We had to walk to our location along with the actor Annie Nurse which was on a cliff in Stapleford. This is the location that Trisha had found and as a group we thought this would be ideal to suit the atmosphere of the opening sequence.
At the location, we started with the establishing shot of the cliff top view which would set the scene in our opening sequence. We took it in turns to film each shot, one would film, one would direct the shot and the other would make everything was alright when filming
g. I filmed the establishing shot and the pan shots of the scene. I also filmed the close up of the phone ringing. This shot took several attempts to get right as it was difficult to get the angle and the lighting right so that the audience can see the phone's screen. By 12, we had managed to complete all the shots of the scenery. The shots of Annie Nurse (Character A) which included the prop with the phone. As the photo which is one of our props was needed was at Trisha's house we had to postpone these shots until the afternoon where Jonathan Tang (Character B) would also be present to film his shots. When filming, we noticed that the tripod was a bit stiff when panning the camera from left or right, or up or down. On the way back to College we decided to change the tripod to enable it to be easier when moving the camera. This would help to eliminate bad shots when the camera is moving.

In the afternoon after we had changed the tripod and collected the photo that we needed. We went back to the location of the cliff top in Stapleford to continue filming the rest of Annie's shot of her taking the photo out. I filmed the mid shot of a taking the photo out and the actor looking out the photo. As Jonathan was also present we started filming his shots which would take present in a graveyard which was quite close to the cliff top which was convenient. I filmed the long shot of Jonathan walking through the graveyard, the long shot of him on phone and close up of the phone and his face. This was the end of filming our opening sequence.
I believe that filming went according to plan as we managed to get all the shots completed. This is because we were able to get at least two or three takes of each shot to ensure we were satisfied with each shot when it came to editing. We used our time efficiently and worked well as a group. We recorded some non-diegetic sound and filmed a few extra shots that we thought would enhance our opening sequence.
The problems we encountered was the naturalistic lighting, as the weather was cold but the sun was out, which were casting unnecessary shadows and in some shot was causing the actor and us to not be able to see properly due to the sunlight. Another problem that had occurred was the destination of the location, on the way there Trisha was not sure where it was which delayed us in filming time. We overcame by working hard together as a group but having as well.
Next lesson we will start editing which will be on the 4/3/10.
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